Hassan Schroeder wrote:
> Terrence Wood wrote:
>>Constants and variables are not going to part of CSS any time soon, so you
>>will need some kind of server side solution ...
>>AFAIK they all use seom form of regex to do the replacement
> Well, no -- I frequently use variables in style sheets built in JSP,
> especially early on in development. And there it's simple Expression
> Language (EL) variable substitution, so something like this:
> a:hover, a:focus { color: ${contrastColor}; }
> can be evaluated per site, per session, or even per request, making
> it really easy to test, tune, and/or customize...

You can also do almost the same thing with PHP just do the following:


$variable="do your declarations here";
header('Content-Type: text/css');
echo "



note that it's important that there are double quotes on the echo and
not single.
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