IIRC, position:fixed will do that for you, i.e.

    bottom:0; right:0; left:0; height: 2em;

would create a 2em footer at the bottom of every page; however I don't
know how well this is supported. Internet Explorer certainly doesn't
support it.

Krassy wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Is it possible to get repeated footers to print using
> XHTML/CSS? I asked this question on the CSS-discuss
> mailing list, but got no response.
> I've done some research[*] and experimentation, but
> haven't been able to get a footer to print
> bottom-aligned on every page.
> [*]
> http://www.alistapart.com/articles/alaprintstyles
> http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=PrintingHeaders
> Any and all suggestions and ideas are much
> appreciated...
> Thanks,
> Krassy
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