Quoting Katrina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


I was lucky enough to be able to attend WE05, and I was listening to something Tantek Celik said and I've been mulling it over for a few days, and I just thought I'd ask a group who'd know.

Context: I'm a uni student, so I don't know much.

Going back to Tantek Celik, he was referring to meaningful markup and he said

"Who has ever seen a div with a class of header? Why not use a header (eg.<h1>) element?"

I may not have understood that. I may have misheard that. I'm sorry if I did.

Aren't the header tags reserved for text? Is it acceptable form to place non-textual elements only inside of header tags? Eg. <h1><img src="image.jpg" alt="An image"></h1> ?

I dont beleive it is, however it is perfectly acceptable to set the image to the
css background property, and use negative indentation to remove the text from
the display.

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Aaron Tate

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