Nick Lo said:
> That enormous list of previous columns is visually very difficult to
> scan. It is chronological so if you are browsing for a particular date
> your eye must go in and out of the jagged right edge.

The alertbox a title based listing not a date based one, hence why the
title appears first, why you would search specifically for a date is
beyond me. Do you really search alertbox in that manner? I just use the
search box if I am after specfic content =)

The list is arranged in reverse chronology because it makes more sense
than an alphabetical listing, and the most current articles appear at the
top (great for return visits).

I'm sure dates are offered as a courtesy as opposed to a primary
navigating device, perhaps so you can decide if the content is
current/relevant or not, or so you know whats new since your last visit?.

I think a three column table is overkill for a simple listing of articles.

kind regards
Terrence Wood.

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