Thanks seona and josh,

".....although when they say "accessibility" they are probably thinking of
        screen readers and users who can't use a mouse, accessibility also
        includes being able to access the information and basic functionality
        of a site in numerous browsing devices."

yes thats the case

                "Besides, since I'm assuming you'll be developing with 
standards in
                mind, it may as well be going into something that's standard. 

-thats a key point, i design with standards in mind but they've been slicing
my ai files into a tables and calling it a day. I am meeting with them this
week to talk about this. I will try and talk the programmers into
transitioning to standards but i dont know if i will be able to sell them on
it. I was going to try the angle that web standards are helpful/essential
for accessability-which they get alot of requests for these days. The
programmers dont want me to do any coding or as little as possible-so as not
to step on thier toes.


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