Focas, Grant wrote:

Yes, but what purpose - if any - is served by hiding a non-html standard
attribute. It's still there isn't it? I suspect there may be a reason to
do this beyond the warm inner glow of validation. But I can't see it. At
the moment it feels like merely tricking the validator in order to fudge
a validation.

If you use javascript to generate new elements/tags, then yes, I'd completely agree that all you're doing is tricking the validator. However, when it comes to adding a single attribute, and particularly doing it not for presentational purposes (e.g. we're not sticking in something like vmargin to an image), but for programmatical ones, I'd say it's acceptable - particularly as you're forced to do it because of a broken browser implementation requiring authors to use invalid markup to prevent a certain behaviour.

I hope this distinction made some kind of sense.

Patrick H. Lauke
re·dux (adj.): brought back; returned. used postpositively
[latin : re-, re- + dux, leader; see duke.] |
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