Thanks for the prompt response, Tim - but your suggestion did not
alter the output (in my browser, at least). Sounded plausible,
though... Anyone else?

On 14/11/05, Tim Burgan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If I remember correctly (others, please correct me if I'm wrong)..
> Make your links block elements with a height and width.
> e.g. div.item a ( display: block; height: 100%; width: 100%; }
> I think that should do the trick.. maybe?
> Tim
> ivanovitch wrote:
> >Dear all
> >
> >I've been trying very hard to propel myself into the 21st century and
> >apply web standards and use good CSS as much as possible, but I'm
> >stuck on getting a div to honour a hover state that I am trying to
> >build. Guidance appreciated...
> >
> >The demo page is at - it's cut right backto
> >highlight my problem. Ignore the content, and the site URL
> >
> >I'm trying to find a way to make blocks of text in a div (item) to
> >display the hover background for the entire div, and not just the
> >linked text. I'd also like the hover state to apply to only the divs
> >in question, and not all other linked text. What am I doing wrong?
> >
> >I can do this standing on my head and one hand behind my back using
> >tables, but I'm not going back now. And yes, I've googled myself to
> >death on this one, which is why I'm asking!
> >
> >Thanks in advance.
> >
> >I.K.
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