I feel you are forgetting a number of things.

- Response times:
Response times are every bit as important to Google as bandwidth usage
is. A user should never have to wait for the Google page, or the
Google search results. Ever.
CSS and JavaScript in separate files means the browser needs two
roundtrips to server more than currently. If rendering relies on CSS,
this means unreliable response times and inevitable slower percieved
loading (Try a 14.4 modem on phone lines with high interference and
75+% packet loss - those can make any page seem like it takes an
eternity to load). And JavaScript loaded as a separate file means
unrealiable script triggering. We wouldn't want to throw an error
report in the face of our users just because they don't have the
script loaded yet, do we?

- Hidden bandwidth consumption:
Google pages, especially the main page, are pretty light weight. Which
means the HTTP headers are a considerable part of the bandwidth
consumption. You double the amount of HTTP headers to send if you add
two external references - both requests and responses.

- Obvious bandwidth consumption:
We have unneccesarily increased bandwidth consumption from the script
and link elements required to reference these new files, as well as
from the doctype needed to make the HTML valid.

- Localisation:
Google has within all probability made their pages so that minimal
changes are required even to languages and scripts considerably
different from English. This has to be considered for any remake with
semantical markup, including the issue of the next point.

- Serialisation:
Not only do we want our content to be laid out the same in CSS and
JavaScript enabled browsers. We also want to retain the current
layout/serialisation for the content in browsers with bad or no CSS
support, with terminal window textual browsers, screen readers or
braille interfaces. Google may throw ugly code at us, but it isn't
inaccessible as it is. This includes things such as not laying the
Web/Images/Groups... out as a horizontal list instead of a single line
when you have no CSS support.

- Dynamic elements:
Things such as being logged in/not logged in, having Google Desktop or
not, sponsored links, search listings etc. all need be take in
David "liorean" Andersson
The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/

 See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
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