I would just like to share the solution to my problem.

div#menu a:hover {

I do not understand why this makes IE show the hover text, but it does so I guess I'm happy. If anyone knows why it works please let me now. Otherwise just tuck it into the "IE is weird" category for future reference.

Morten Fjellman

On 12/12/05, morten fjellman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Sorry for the late reply.
I have removed the pipe seperators, but there is still no text showing in IE. The other problem is off course gone.
Any ideas?

Morten Fjellman

On 12/11/05, Joshua Street <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Can you possibly ditch the un-semantic pipe separators (|) and just
use border-right:1px solid #000; on the <li> elements? That would
probably help...

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