On 17 Dec 2005, at 9:04 PM, Bob Schwartz wrote:
Do you think you are being helpful? Believe me, you're not.
I think I made it pretty clear that I was having a general rant, not talking directly to you Bob. I was just using your situation as a jumping off point.

On 17 Dec 2005, at 9:06 AM, Terrence Wood wrote:
Again, nothing personal Bob, this rant is for any designer who has clients wanting that 1998 look.

And in fact, I have had off-list responses thanking me for my contribution to this thread.

On 16 Dec 2005, at 11:44 PM, Bob Schwartz wrote:
No can do Bob. I showed you the solution.
End of story: solution, choices made, move on :)

Yes Sir. Thank you Sir. I will just fold my table and slink away.
It's been a honor being in your illustrious presence.
I will return when I feel more worthy .

Obviously you haven't found this thread helpful, but others have.

I'm really not sure what you are looking for Bob, but clearly, we are two different people.

kind regards
Terrence Wood.

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