I am making a site for IE6+ and am really stuck over an IE bug.


Some strange bug is occurring in IE6, the left column bounces all over. It
seems to be related to the peekaboo bug and you can see it when you mouse
over the links to the left column in the "main menu". Refresh the page in IE
so see the bug again.

Also, if you click on the "blog" link
you get a two column layout. For some reason the left column decides it
wants to be in a different place.

The solutions I know of involve position:relative and height:1% and
line-height:1.2. I have tried all three of these but not had anything work.

Apologies in advance for not making a page that isolated the bug better.
This is CMS output and I found this bug late in the production cycle...

Barrie North

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