On 1/10/06, Justin Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What I'm seeing in IE6 is a fixed width layout that is centered at
> resolutions above 1024x768. I'm also seeing a horizontal scrollbar on
> my second monitor at 1024x768 (maximised), so it seems the width might
> need to be 1 or 2 pixels less.

Sorry, I also meant to say that in IE6 it is displaying at fixed width
even below 1024x768. This was the whole point I was trying to make,
because the conditional comment is there to work around IE not
supporting max-width, however since the layout does not seem fluid
(i.e. it has a fixed width) there is no reason to even bother
implementing a max-width.

Did you intend the layout to be fluid at smaller resolutions?
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