Hey all,

I’m having a slightly maddening problem that appears to be only in Safari.

The test page is here: http://www.manisheriar.com/sparkplug/paywi/

On Firefox and IE all seems good, but in Safari the grays of the main
background image are too light and therefore clashing with other images
where it is supposed to blend.  See screenshot here:

All these images were sliced from the same flattened psd.  At first I
thought it might be some weird problem with jpg vs. gif but I resaved
everything to be jpg and the issue is still there.  Nor is it background vs.
foreground ... the lock image is foreground but the nav buttons are


Anyone have any thoughts?

THANK YOU in advance!!!

Mani Sheriar
Founder, Sheriar Designs
www.ManiSheriar.com  | 925.914.0741

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