On 22/02/06, Felix Miata <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> All incoming HTML and other multipart gets filtered automatically to my
> trash, and so I only open what looks safe according to subject lines.
> Good thing for the subject key [WSG] or many posts from this list would
> never get opened, unlike WD and css-d posts, whose moms seem to have
> greater disgust for HTML than Russ & co and pre-filter so that those
> lists don't get evil mail in the first place. Maybe we should take a
> poll to see if the majority want that implemented here. ;-)

If a poll is being begun, I'll vote 'yes' to filter out e-mail that
isn't plain text.

T. R. Valentine
Use a decent browser: Safari, Firefox, Mozilla, Opera
(Avoid IE like the plague it is)

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