Hi Terrance

> From: Terrence Wood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> All good questions. I read somewhere recently that a seasoned usability
tester observed one person changing the font size > > for the very first

I wrote about that here recently. I've run hundreds of usability sessions
and that was the first time I'd ever seen a user resize text via the
browser, completely unprompted. The same user also right clicked a link to
open it in a new window.

I have to admit, it was pretty amazing to see!

When I wrote to the list about it, there were jokes about it being usability
'pr0n' - which went right over my head. Because, while I might be geeky
enough to get excited about resizing text or right clicking a link, I never
got into all of that! Having said that, there was some truth to it. 

So going back to Rimantas questions, my experience would be to answer for
'Very few (non-web developer users)'. But I don't have any stats on this,
it's purely based on observation during usability evaluations.

Hope that helps Rimantas?

> Rimantas Liubertas:
> > a) How many users do know that there exists a preference for a font 
> > size.
> > b) How many of the do know how to use it and indeed do use it.
> > c) How many have an idea what 'px' or 'pt' is, and have an 
> idea how big
> > is 16pt/px. Same goes for DPI settings.
> > d) How many users prefer to play with settings instead of doing what
> > they were going to do in the first place (getting info)?
> All good questions. I read somewhere recently that a seasoned 
> usability 
> tester observed one person changing the font size for the very first 
> time. We may well conclude that the answer to the above questions are 
> "not many", however, I sense that they are largely rhetorical. In any 
> case, they illustrate very well the reason(s) why it is 
> better to have 
> a font that's too big than one that's too small.

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