On 2/27/06, Ian Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Lachlan Hunt wrote:
> > It depends where the H1 is positioned.  If it's not at the top, the page
> > won't be scrolled to the top.
> >
> If the H1 isn't at the top of the content, then I'd say there's a pretty
> good case for saying that the H1 is in the wrong place. The top of the
> content is where it should go, not the top of all the nav and other guff
> that may be on the page as well, in my opinion.

Lachlan is right, I use image replacement to reposition and stick an
image in the upper-lefthand corner of the viewport instead of the
normal H1 text.  It stays visible in the corner for compatible
browsers.  Example:

(Link may die in the future)

Hmm... so id-ing and linking to the body might work, otherwise it
seems the concensus is to just use an empty anchor/div/span with an
id/name.  Thanks for all the input. =)

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