Hello again!

A few days ago there were some postings concerning Jakob Nielsens alertbox in which he condemned the use of intra-page links. http://www.useit.com/alertbox/within_page_links.html

I wrote him the following feedback, slightly condensed:

--- your article on intra-page links or at least it's sidebar perhaps should mention that (for browsers that support it) the :target pseudo-class can make the result of ones actions clearer, especially when intra-page links are used with multi-column layout.

This is not spoken in defense of bad use of such links per se, but in case one do use them (skip-links, TOCs, etc) this might be of help. In the case of a skip-link one might think this will not be necessary, but if they are hidden with display:none many screen readers won't find them. Instead they might be hidden by moving them 4000 pixels left or something, which in turn might lead to their being included in the page tab-order.

This is actually a good thing, if one likes to include phones, PDAs and other devices with small screens. Browsing, using my phone, I like skip links even though I'm sighted. They are much more convenient than scrolling myself.

JN:s reply:

Good points, thank you.

I wonder if I will show up as well on his page...

Lars Gunther
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