I've given up and simply concerted the whole site to the fluid version!

On 28/02/06, Felix Miata <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 06/02/27 07:35 Adam Morris apparently typed:

> http://www.megustalatelevision.com/uwish

> I'm trying to provide two versions: fixed and fluid.

> On FF everything is fine, IE not too sure about... but Safari..!
> On returning to fixed width after choosing the fluid version, all
> background images aren't there anymore, and, sometimes, the entire
> page is missing except the body background colour!! Refreshing the
> page brings things back to normal. I have used the same styleswitcher
> script on my personal site and everything's fine... any ideas?

I know my eyes are old and tired, but I just don't see any way to
trigger any styleswitcher.
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  Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

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