David Storey wrote:
For styling the page handheld stylesheets should be used. For JavaScript issues I don't know of a way to specifically detect if it is a handheld, and browser sniffing is far from ideal on mobile due to many reasons.

Could you give an element a specific style in the handheld stylesheet and then test for that style being applied in the javascript? I'm thinking along the lines of:

in screen.css:
 #checker {width:1px;}

in handheld.css:
 #checker {width:2px;}

in script.js:
 var el = document.getElementById(“checker”);
 if (window.getComputedStyle(el,"").getPropertyValue("width") == '2px' )
        /* handheld script goes here

No idea if it would execute in whatever handheld browser is needed, and my brief research indicates this style grabbing in javascript is a bit flaky cross browser even on the desktop, but you might be able to hack something together that works a lot of the time.


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