Al Sparber wrote:
From: "Designer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Thanks John!   But . . .

That's what I want : 2 different books, each in it's own headed list, both with a section on "what the critics say". Does this mean I can't have that? If so, that is ridiculous!!

If I have 20 items for sale in a list, does that mean I can't have a 'buy now' button for each of them, because the link text is the same? Ludicrous!

See checkpoint 13.1:

That's why it failed validation of course.  viz:

13.1 Clearly identify the target of each link. [Priority 2]
Link text should be meaningful enough to make sense when read out of context -- either on its own or as part of a sequence of links. Link text should also be terse. For example, in HTML, write "Information about version 4.3" instead of "click here". In addition to clear link text, content developers may further clarify the target of a link with an informative link title (e.g., in HTML, the "title" attribute).

So I repeat : 20 items for sale would have to be:

Buy now,
Buy it now,
Buy this now,
Now buy it,
Get it at once,
Purchase now,
Get yer wallet out,
Fork out now,
Dig in for the dosh,

etc etc.  :-)

Ludicrous!  I see the point, obviously, but really!!!


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