2) Another method with a UL:

  <li><a href=""><img /><a/></li>
  <li><a href=""><img /><a/></li>

It's been pickin' my brain for days.
The main reason I even considered a table is because the anchors leave
an empty space between the images.
I've set up a test page here: 

What do you think is causing that extra space? How can I avoid/remove



I'd definitely go with a UL as you do essentially have a list of images
here. To get rid of the space between the images doing this just replace
the display:inline with float:left and it should all work perfectly.

To format the rows nicely, you will probably want to apply a fixed width
to the UL tag, which should give you control over how many images appear
in each row.

Hope that helps


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