I dont know, im stuck with it.
Heres my progress

Sander Aarts wrote:

kevin mcmonagle schreef:
The sliding doors method, or any that ive seen, only works if all the tabs are the same colour.
I don't see why. If every tab has its own id you can define different background images for each tab.

Nick Gleitzman wrote:
You've got the right starting point - but be aware that (in my previous experience) IE/Win (of course...) doesn't honour the background image change on mouseover - unless the bg img is in the <a>.
If you want to sticj to CSS only you may use a <span> inside the <a> and then, instead of using <li> and <a> for the sliding doors, use <a> and <span>. As the <span> is inside the <a> you can use a:hover span { ... }

Hmm - occurs to me that the js fix for Exploder that's used for Suckerfish dropdowns [1] may be adaptable to your tabs - ? But then, of course, you've got to think about degradation when js is disabled...
As changing colors on hovering is more about usability than accessibilty I wonder whether it's a problem when it does not occur. Perhaps you can heva JavaScript set a certain className. Without this className the textdecoration or color changes on hover, otherwise the background images.


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