Lyn Patterson wrote:

I'm guessing you are using a liquid layout yeah??

Its not so much the width that worries me- its the height. The page currently stops halfway down. She apparently has no problems with my personal site at her resolution so perhaps I will switch her layout to the same as mine to see if that improves the look.
If you want a quick fix you could also consider setting a fixed width for your site, its less elastic but it would be quick.....
I have already gone down that route and it is even worse - so much border!!!!

I think I'll try a different layout - I'll change my resolution to 1280x1024 and check out some samples.
Thanks for reply.


Hi Lyn,

Have a look at - a site of mine with very little on the opening page, but everything in balance so the design maintains credibility. If you dislike that approach (some folk have no taste :-) ) have you considered adding an 'interesting' background to the body? Many sites on zen garden do this.

Just a thought.


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