On Jun 1, 2007, at 5:36 AM, John Faulds wrote:

Hi Tee,

I wrote something about styling legends a while ago which might help: http://www.tyssendesign.com.au/articles/css/legends-of-style/

Hi John, Thanks for the article. After reading it, I went visit one of the site I did last year that the form was styled with fieldset because I remember I didn't have trouble getting Firefox to work (IE doesn't look nice though), and the legend has background color. Looking at the fieldset and legend elements in the form style sheet, I can't however remember whether it's my code though because it's just too weird I would have coded it this way (repeating fieldset). I have little reason to believe the in house designer who took over the website after the template is done, messing with my CSS because last time I talked to him, he hadn't been able to make a simple CSS page.

fieldset {
        padding: 15px 10px;
        margin: 20px 0;
        border: 5px solid #eee;
        background-color: #fff;
        overflow: auto;

fieldset fieldset  {
        border: 1px solid #ccc;
legend {background: #369;
        padding: 10px;
        color: #fff;
        border: 1px double #ddd;
        font-weight: bold;letter-spacing: 1px;
fieldset fieldset legend {
        font-size: 95%;

and here is the link

The problem I am having is the background image (as oppose to background color) doesn't work for Firefox and IE ( the bugger maybe able to tame using conditional comments?!), I see that the 'width' and height are not recognized by Firefox. If I make padding top and right values larger than the actual background image dimension, it seems to compensate the problem Firefox has issue with. However IE still not playing nice.

Can't post the actual page but the code:

#f-left fieldset legend {
        padding:5px 20px 44px 10px;
height:39px; background:url(../images/paper_catalog.gif) no-repeat left top;


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