Hi Kane,


If it’s of help:


/* Guideline 9.4: Do not attempt to create your own tab order. That is a job
for a browser and adaptive technology. */

When and where needed (in web forms for instance), I create a tabindex order
starting with the number 11 and proceed from there. This usually bypasses the
generic built-in browser tab order.


/* Guideline 9.5: Don’t provide your own keyboard shortcuts. That is a job
for a browser or adaptive technology. */

I provide keyboard shortcuts for global navigation situated on each web page.
I cross-browser test to make sure each character I’m using for the Alt + key
shortcut doesn’t interfere with generic browser shortcuts.


Kind regards,

Frank M. Palinkas
Microsoft M.V.P. - Windows Help

W3C HTML Working Group (H.T.M.L.W.G.) - Invited Expert        

M.C.P., M.C.T., M.C.S.E., M.C.D.B.A., A+       

Senior Technical Communicator         

Web Standards & Accessibility Designer 
website: http://frank.helpware.net 

Society for Technical Communications (S.T.C.)         

Guild of Accessible Web Designers (G.A.W.D.S.)        

Web Standards Group (W.S.G.) 
Supergroup Trading Ltd. 
Sandhurst, Gauteng, South Africa 
website: http://www.supergroup.co.za
Work:   +27 011 523 4931 
Home:   +27 011 455 5287 
Fax:    +27 011 455 3112 
Mobile: +27 074 109 1908


Behalf Of Kane Tapping
Sent: Friday, 08 June, 2007 7:23 AM
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Subject: [WSG] WCAG Samurai Errata



I have been reading with interest the WCAG Samurai Errata (
http://wcagsamurai.org/errata/intro.html ) and am suprised to have not found
it discussed on WSG as of yet. 

It raises many discussion points two of which mirror my own personal

Guideline 9.4: Do not attempt to create your own tab order. That is a job for
a browser and adaptive technology. 
Guideline 9.5: Don’t provide your own keyboard shortcuts. That is a job for a
browser or adaptive technology.

I have always found these priority three guidelines to be counter productive
because they often conflict with the built-in navigation controls from
browsers and screen readers making the website harder to use by those you are
trying to help by following the guidelines. 

What is your opinion on the errata ? 

Kind Regards,

Kane Tapping
Web Standards Developer
Web and Content Management Services
Griffith University. 4111. Australia.
Phone: +61 (0)7 3735 7630 

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