What is your opinion on the errata ?

It's an excellent read. Certainly therapeutic, particularly with Joe
Clarke's wonderfully acerbic wit showing in places.

I think what it truly does is define the Best Practice accessibility
which has evolved under WCAG 1.0, which made some assumptions which
were proven incorrect over time.

Realistically most developers stopped shooting for perfect compliance,
since some of the rules conflict with feedback from real live users.
Tabindex is a perfect example - if the logical flow is so busted that
you have to override it, the page should be recreated in a clearer
form. Entering default text into form inputs is another rule which the
experts tell me no longer applies.

Samurai corrects a lot of those problems and does so in language which
is usually pretty clear. The only downside is that there are still
plenty of points which could be misinterpreted or quoted out of
context to support spurious practices.

It's readable though - calls a spade a spade.


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