Hi all,

Just thought people here might like to know that the WebKit team have just announced their new Web Inspector in nightly builds of Safari for Mac & Windows: <http://webkit.org/blog/108/yet-another-one-more-thing-a-new-web- inspector/>

Just had a play, and it looks like it offers most of the goodies we've come to expect from Firebug, although Drosera (the JS debugger bundled with nightly builds) still seems to make WebKit suck up a lot of processor cycles...

Oh, and although nightly builds aren't as stable as the public beta, they will run side-by-side with your current installation, making testing for the future while browsing in the present much easier. (That doesn't apply to Windows, obviously, although I assume the nightly will co-exist with the beta - can't be bothered to open up Windows and test, though.)


Nick Fitzsimons

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