I would also consider Contribute, but only if the site information
architecture is relatively small and unlikely to change.

You can create areas within your perfectly crafted html that the
customer can edit and update with a desktop application. For the most
part, it seems to function well from what I have seen, and is
particularly useful for those small sites that don't require a lot of
smarts, but do require the odd update.

Otherwise, yeah, go with a CMS if the site is larger.

On 7/12/07, James Gollan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It has been mentioned before, but I find Drupal has been great. It has
modules for most things, has a fabulous extensible content system where you
can define custom content types, a very powerful theming engine, and an
incredibly modular approach to core functionality.

When you learn how to use the system you can 'hook into' virtually all
aspect of the system to configure it to do just about anything without
adjusting the core code (and thus complicating your upgrade path).

I have used it to create www.organicexpo.com.au which has an extensive
backend order management system, but it is also being used on MTV sites and
the satirical news site www.theonion.com.

And it runs on php4 and 5.

....and it can be configured to use external authentication, customised
caching such as memcache, and features a database agnostic abstraction

IBM, Yahoo (and Google i think) are using it for many internal sites.

On 7/12/07, Rahul Gonsalves < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 11-Jul-07, at 4:09 AM, Kevin Ross wrote:
> > Now that I have a realization that I need to incorporate some sort
> > of a CMS solution, can anyone lead me to resources that may help to
> > teach me the ropes?  I am leaning towards PHP, as I am somewhat
> > familiar with the language. Thanks.
> Hi Kevin,
> I have used Textpattern on a number of client sites, and have been
> very happy with it so far. It is extensible using PHP (I believe),
> and produces valid, accessible code when used 'out of the box'. It is
> simple to install, use and maintain. Do take a look.
> Best,
>   - Rahul.
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