Go ahead and try it, as I did. Create a page with that markup and run it thru a validator. It passes just fine.


E. Michael Brandt

divaGPS : you-are-here menu highlighting
divaFAQ : FAQ pages with pizazz

JustSo PictureWindow
JustSo PhotoAlbum


Jermayn Parker wrote:
Just how can this be valid??
the way i see it that ifyou have a paragraph or text it needs to be
contained by a <p> tag or other similar tags

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 27/07/2007 9:43:17 am >>>
uhoh, I think perhaps my wording might have confused you.  It
apparently will NOT allowed in the future, but for now, such markup Validates in Strict XHTML and HTML4.

Hope that clarifies.

btw, that different browsers render it differently is of course no surprise. This is, at least in part, due to differing default css values in each browser.

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