On 5/9/07 (15:21) Felix said:

>> However, this brings us back to the fact that for many people the
>> browser default text size of 16px is too large
>Who made this a fact?

Okay, perhaps some sloppy writing on my part; I tried to be clear all
through my original post that I was presenting my own ideas/enquiries,
not handing down facts. Perhaps I should have written:
>However, this brings us back to the fact that for SOME people the
>browser default text size of 16px is too large 

...'some' being myself, at least a few other (non-design) friends of
mine, and anyone else who feels the same way. 'Many' is subjective, I
grant you.
(The 'proof by assertion' link was perhaps a little condescending?)

>1-user presumptively is the one in position to determine what works best

Yes they are in position to choose what works for them, but they appear
not to do so. Anecdotal evidence from people who've conducted usability
testing seems to indicate that the majority or web users are unaware
that they are in a position to make any adjustments in this area. The
possible exception, as I suggested, being those with accessibility
'issues' since they have more to gain by being acquainted with their
browsers' text sizing capabilities.

>2-the effort that went into choosing, and continuing to choose, particular
>defaults by the browser suppliers
I have no hard information about how much investigation the browser
vendors carried out prior to choosing the default text sizes. I'd like
to know more about the process they went through, though, I imagine that
it would be quite illuminating. If you do have any such info, please share.

>It's the right thing do do, because anything else is a anarchistic and rude.
Anarchistic? Rude? Hmm. I'm just asking questions here. It's starting to
get a bit confrontational.

Just to bring it back to earth, the nub of the point I was trying to
make is that simply this:
If *somebody* is going to be doing some resizing of text when they view
the page, doesn't it make more sense to design in such a way that the
person more likely to want to resize is the person more likely to know how to?

Rick Lecoat

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