On 5 Sep 2007, at 20:15, Felix Miata wrote:

There's already proof in the results - the web is overwhelmed by sites that set fonts smaller than the defaults - and the consequence that normal web users don't like it. http://www.useit.com/alertbox/designmistakes.html

Is it possible that the last few years of preaching about font sizes *has* made a difference?

I don't remember the last time I visited a mainstream site and found the fonts smaller than normal.

can you point to some popular sites (I mean mainstream popular sites) where the fonts are
(a) non-resizable and
(b) too small

I think most of us *get it*.

leave the default alone so as not to interfere with the minority of users that have adjusted their browser font size and then adjust to what seems to be the norm, or what the client asks for.

(it's not 16px AFAICT)

why is it, I ask in all honesty, that the comments pages of the BBC site aren't full of complaints that the fonts are unreadable? (they care about Accessibility too - http://www.bbc.co.uk/accessibility/)

(FYI, my big screen is for usable screen space, not font size - I code in TextMate using a bitmap font at 9pt and the screen resolution is 2560x1600 and I'm viewing it from about arms length with my reading glasses on.)

When was the last time "normal users" were asked about font sizes?
How normal are Jacobs Alertbox subscribers and just how many of them responded to his quiz two years ago?

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