On 20 Sep 2007, at 20:55, Rick Lecoat wrote:

On 20/9/07 (15:21) Nick said:

Was there any particular reason not to have the h2 elements in the li
elements, rather than placing them in a div?

Um... a brain seizure of some sort I think. I somehow had it in my head that block-level items are not permitted inside list items, which is of
course nonsense.

But to be honest, even with the ability to put almost any tag inside an
<li>, I still don't feel like a heading is the right one. These aren't
headings, after all. And a span probably isn't the right one either, but
I chose it because its semantically neutral. These values should have
some weight given to them, but H2 implies a hierarchical structure that
is not there.

Agreed that a heading doesn't really make much sense in this context. Why not a <p> rather than a <span>? That goes some way to addressing the semantics of a list of statements, which is basically what this is.


Nick Fitzsimons

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