Forgot to ask another question about tooltips (using hover span technique) Vs title attribute

I have a concern regarding accessibility on this technique, if
show/hide result isn't so much of a concern,would 'title' attribute a better choice? Because, if style sheet is disable or pag viewed in Lynx Viewer, content in the span class is revealed. But we don't always want this.


On Sep 22, 2007, at 6:21 AM, Tee G. Peng wrote:

Got an impression that Patrick and George are experts of Opera browser :) Can you guys take a look on this?

Al, I reckon you have no problem that I bring this question here.

It came from a question someone asked on other list and Al from PVll gave a tips that I found can be improved a bit for browser compatibility, because on so many occasions, I found that using margins instead of left/right to manipulate position in an absolute position gets consistent result in browsers (except IE 6 and below, but that can easily solve) .

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