-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Buchanan
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 10:35 PM
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Subject: Re: [WSG] Cost of Accessibility
I believe web accessibility is in society's best interests. Companies
should be forced to do it, just as they are forced (at least in .au)
to provide physical accessibilty for their buildings.

Christie Replies
Yes Target, and other public spaces, have been "forced" into accessible
parking, sidewalks and bathrooms, municipally owned spaces actually lagged
for-profit spaces by many years.  But, and this is a big but, they have not
been "forced" into making their display of products to purchase, or the
location of those products, accessible to physically challenged people.  In
a Target, or any other store, there are no supportive technologies enforced
to read aisle signage, location of checkout counters, the difference between
a box of corn flakes and a box of poison, etc.

In many ways, laws that attempt to "force" behavior do more harm than good.
They don't eliminate prejudice, they just force people to be more subtle in
their expressions of prejudice.  The hiring of disabled people actually
decreased after protective laws were passed.  It's much easier to hide why
you didn't hire a disabled person than to fire, with merit,  someone in a
protected group after you've hired them.

Christie Mason

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