Michael MD wrote:
Are you implying that shopping is a luxury? As horrible as you may find it, shopping is actually necessary for human survival in a capitalist society. It's the only way we can acquire goods.

Target is not the only place where people can go shopping ...

OK, so one website per–general–purpose should remain accessible. Shall we say Amazon and EBay? Play.com and HMV are pretty cool, but they‘re obviously burning with the desire to screw all their users and make their site one giant static image. This is within the scope of media sales. For information, let‘s keep... Wikipedia. In any case, as subscribers to the WSG, we should really start voting soon on which websites should be accessible.

I think everyone here at least agrees on one thing ...
we want to see more websites out there become more accessable.

If a company shuts down their website because they are being sued does that make it more accessable?

I think not.

I don't see why they'd want to shut it down – I wouldn't if I was them. If Target think they‘re better off losing all of their online market than expanding it, that's their choice. An incredibly stupid one, but fine.

This is the thing: Target have nothing to lose. You seem to imply it’s cruel of us to demand standards of them that they haven’t already provided, in case they go and sulk rather than abide by them. That's their financial suicide, I‘m really not going to start crying for a national corporate giant because they‘re emotional idiots. It‘s an odd Americanism that we should treat large financial bodies with the sentimental sensitivity usually reserved for puppies and small children – because I don't think those notions have much value in the world of economics.

Discrimination of your customers and breadth of audience, on the other hand, mean something serious to them.


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