On 17 Oct 2007, at 04:56, Nick Cowie wrote:

I was experimenting with HTML over flash, and while <param name="wmode" value="transparent" /> works great on Windows. The flash plugin could not get the order right for OsX or *nix, no matter what I tried (source order, z-index etc). It was purely random 50% of the time the flash would appear over the HTML and the other 50% of the time the HTML would appear over the flash file. I was using it on a footer and could just scroll up and down the
page a few times to get different results.

in my experience wmode transparent doesn't work for any *nix browser - nothing I tried seems to let *nix browsers do anything other than render flash movies on top of everything else...

OS X seemed okay mind...


my test:

the browsercam results:


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