Nick I'm away from my Mac machine for a couple of weeks .. Do you think you
(or someone else with a mac)  could do me a favour and have a look at the
page in question and tell me if the problem is fixed or not on your mac?   


It's not all that critical for us, because Macs aren't very big amongst our
customers - a very small proportion  - but if I can set it so it works nice
for them so much the better.  


The page is    It'll only take a
few seconds to determine if the menu drop down under "Stock service" shows
several items or none.



Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

0422 985 585

Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer

AFP Webworks Pty Ltd <> 

Full Scale ColdFusion hosting from A$15/month






Behalf Of Nick Cowie
Sent: Wednesday, 17 October 2007 1:57 PM
Subject: Re: [WSG] How to make DHML cover flash


On 16/10/2007, Michael Kear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This has fixed the problem for IE6 and Firefox on Windows, so I'm assuming
it's fixed for most of our target browsers.

Probably not.

If your target OSes other than windows, the flash plugin works quite
differently on OsX and *nix. 

I was experimenting with HTML over flash, and while <param name="wmode"
value="transparent" /> works great on Windows. The flash plugin could not
get the order right for OsX or *nix, no matter what I tried (source order,
z-index etc). It was purely random 50% of the time the flash would appear
over the HTML and the other 50% of the time the HTML would appear over the
flash file. I was using it on a footer and could just scroll up and down the
page a few times to get different results. 

So you need to check your menu system on one of those OSes. Just rollover
the menu a few times and see what happens.

Nick Cowie 

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