The problem is that the test pass in level A, and some links doesnt
work without javascript but because of a existense of a noscript the
test pass.

I think this should get a manual check or warning.
because almost noscript that i see just tell, this need flash plugin
or this site need javascript or simple tell me that javascript is

This it's not alternative information! So all clients that require
level A, still gona have a inaccessible site, right!?

That means it would also fail my old favourite accessability test going right back to the old days ... - view it in lynx to see what the page looks like without images, plugins, javascript, css or tables

lynx was also the first web browser I ever used back in 1994 (I had a 386 back then with 2MB RAM and a shell account on linux bbs - so running something like Mosaic or Netscape was not possible!)

I guess thats why I knew about hx tags, the alt attribute, unordered lists, etc before I knew anything about tables, fonts, etc... because until a couple of years later when I bought a new computer I wasn't very interested in markup I could not see on lynx!

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