When I read that, I thought about creating a button that finds the site you were at before you came in here, and then keeps that the same throughout the site, so no matter how many pages you go to, you can get back out of all of those and back where you were before you started that. That's a bit different functionality then a standard back button on an internet browser.

And I got that idea from the other thread that the thread starter made about an internal application that refuses to let you leave the site.

Patrick H. Lauke wrote:
Christian Snodgrass wrote:
You shouldn't always assume that they are just trying to replace the back button.

They could want to get the referrer for something else.

From the thread starter
".I just want to know what the previous page was...so I can create a button to go back to it.."



Christian Snodgrass
Azure Ronin Web Design
http://www.arwebdesign.net/ <http://www.arwebdesign.net>
Phone: 859.816.7955

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