> I can't speak for screen readers since I've never used one my self...
> But would there be any reason you couldn't do both and please the
> client and the screen reader(assuming it does help them)? a simple
> <strong>* First Name</strong>
> Just something I thought of :)

Interesting discussion. You could also use more meaningful flags like the
word "Required" instead of "*" and style this content in red/bold. This
means that everyone, including screen reader users understand the
implications much more clearly (as long as this information is included
inside the label element.

For example:

<label for="details-email">
    Email <span class="required">(Required)</span>:


<label for="details-email">
    Email <strong>(Required)</strong>:

Then you could easily style it with something like:

label strong  (or "label span.required")
    color: red;
    font-weight: bold
    text-transform: uppercase;
    font-size: 85%;

You can even position this "required" content after the <input> element
using absolute positioning as Derek Featherstone has proposed.


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