Hi Mike,

> > What about using a fieldset with *legend* if the
> > required fields can be grouped together. Because
> > the legend (required fields) would be read aloud
> > before each label.
> In some cases that's an excellent solution (what I've been using for a
> while) but unfortunately power users will dial down verbosity so much that
> they will quiet legends as well.
> A blind power user I know told me * is best. He also told me nothing else
> needed, but he's a person and that part my be his opinion. For all-around
> safety, one of these might be best:
> <label>* denotes required field</label>
> <fieldset>
> <legend>Required</legend>
> <label for="name">Name * <input name="name">
> <label for="email">Email * <input name="email">
> </fieldset>
> <fieldset>
> <legend>Required</legend>
> <label for="name">Name (required) <input name="name">
> <label for="email">Email (required) <input name="email">
> </fieldset>

I think using legend *and* plain text in the label may be a bit overkill.
If I get it right, best case scenario the user listens to it once, worst
case scenario the text in the label is repeated after the legend :-(
imho, if it is part of the label already, then I'd not use legend.
I don't think we should make it "super safe" as it could create UE issues on
its own; if only legend is used and the user misses it because of his custom
settings, then hopefully the validation routine will bring him to a place
where he'll be able to find out what went wrong.

Thierry | http://www.TJKDesign.com


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