Hi all

Of course, this all also depends on the target audience of your site.  

Completely agree on that. 

Users are different, their habits are different, their needs are different. 

As an IT teacher, I am used to face 14-20 yo guys, and for most of them
underlined text is equivalent to hyperlink, as most of them use the Web
instead of "old fashioned" books (Web Generation... Sic!).

But two years ago I spoke to ad "old fashioned" audience, made of Italian
literature teachers (average age was 45 or maybe more), and I asked them:
"If you look at an underlined text, what is your very first idea about it?",
and they ALL answered: "That's a really important text"!!!

So, as you said, "absolutely everything is relative".

But our challenge (for all of us who "make the Web") is to find out and
apply rules which can be useful for the largest majority of users, and we
must do it for the Web, not for other media; any Web user should be (or
become) used to reasonable Web conventions, not to books ones, problems may
occur when conventions coming from different media are scrumbled without any
kind of criterion or common sense. 

That's my opinion is that underlined text CAN generate misunderstanding, and
misunderstanding with Web sites navigation should be avoided at all. So I
simply avoid underlined text, and use bold or some other typographic effect
(font size/design + color) instead.

My best regards,

Roberto Castaldo


Roberto Castaldo
IWA Italy Education and Outreach Manager
www.Webaccessibile.Org coordinator
W3C WAI WCAG ed E&O WGs Member
IWA Italy Web Skills WG Member
Skype: robertocastaldo64
Cell: +393483700161

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