You may want to try out one I created:

It's primary function is to place a image after the object that indicates whether it is valid or invalid. It also has an alt tag that says so as well. The only requirement is that each element is wrapped in something that can handle an img, because it appends a new image. So, you could mark it up like this:

or (as I've done in my examples because it's easier to apply CSS like this)

<li><label for="input"><input></label></li>

It checks each element after each element has been changed.

Mine isn't quite as easy as Matt's, because it requires that you call a function for each input, and there aren't lots of regexes predefined. It is light-weight and has been tested on all current major browsers, including IE6.

The thing I'm not sure about, and that maybe others will be able to assist me with is what happens when the image gets appended or the source gets changed. It seems I remember hearing that anytime the source is changed, the screen reader jumps to the top again. If so, that's something that I need to figure out a good work around for.

Let me know what you think.

tee wrote:
Yes, I second it, I implement it on a client's site and was very happy with until I found that it has problem in Safari 3.1 (552513) for the First Name, Last Name and Phone required fields - I had the fields entered correctly, but Safari kept telling me to 'correct the highlighted errors'.

It's probably a bug by Safari 3.1 (552513) because I had people tested for me in their Safari with different version, and they all worked.

I was forced to remove Matt's script as a result, and have the server-side validation.


On Apr 22, 2008, at 8:58 PM, Matt Fellows wrote:
I humbly suggest my own: :) Completely unobtrusive and requires only valid XHTML. If you have a little bit of JS knowledge you can easily extend the functionality.



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