Ian Chamberlain skrev:
Fingers crossed this is not too far off topic; being a newby to PHP; any clues where I can find how-to's, snippets, libraries or even application suites built from PHP that are built to a good minimum standard please.

I am guessing that PHP is much like JavaScript in that a lot of what is floating about is either poor or pooh the result of all the good programmes stending their time on ASP or J2EE.

There is no "standard" for PHP, but there are best practices. And they mimick what's happening on the client.

Client: Separation of concerns between design, content and behavior.
Server: Separation of concern between different kinds of logic.

The number one priority having grasped the basics of the language would be to separate presentation logic from business logic, the second to separate business logic from data storage logic. When you evolve as a developer you may have even more tiers.

Some people like to call this MVC. However, the web and PHP are ill suited for *pure* MVC implementations. But PHP has never been about purity...

Another thing they have in common. Frameworks ar good, but not something you can use to avoid learning the language http://www.456bereastreet.com/archive/200701/learn_javascript_before_tasting_the_library_koolaid/

A third thing in common: All devs should agree on a style guide! Naming conventions, indentation, bracket placement, etc.

A few more notes:
PHPDoc is something that should be picked up ASAP. I teach it to newbies.

Read the manual and search it thoroughly. The strength of PHP are the numerous built in functions. Replication of built in functions in userland PHP code is a waste of time, CPU cycles and makes the code bloated.

And PHP 4 really is dying. PHP 5 is faster and has a ton of goodies. Do not bother with PHP 4 any more!

Good books:
Learning PHP
PHP 5 Unleashed
PHP Power Programming
Advanced PHP Programming

Lars Gunther

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