tee wrote:
Is it just me kept running into issues with Opera? I really don't remember having these problems so obvious with pre-version 9.5 that I can't tolerate. I am getting this impression that the evolution of Opera has come to an end and now it's rapidly reversing back to the buggy primitive state that it almost mimics IE 6's behavior and the worse, I don't have a conditional comment to make it works better. From some articles I have read, I got a sense that Opera folks are very proud of the CSS3 spec achievement, but my take is, if I have to make double effort to have my layout render just slightly closer to FF and Safari, I can't afford to care all those shiny CSS3 attributes and Selectors. What is more aggravating is that it's less than 3% population that needs to support.

Not the first time Opera, or any browser, goes into regression - or worse. Lack of extensive real-world testing, I guess.

I can see that Opera is weakening on a few points that matters to me, but generally the latest versions (9.5x & 9.60b) haven't created any real problems.

Good thing Opera is hard to hack, or else those regressions might end up being pretty permanent - as in IE. Might make it easier for some, but not for progress. Better to ignore those 3% or whatever if you can't make it work, although I'm not sure Opera's performance is to blame for all your problems.

I still have not fixed the problem I have had from my previous post (and still can't figure why the link and text are not clickable/selectable), now I am seeing another two little problem.

In this link, it illustrates two issues: the screen shots on the right are taken from Opera, as you can see, the background image drops to the bottom in the breadcrumbs.
And the button, it works likes IE does, the difference is that IE doubles the width and Opera doubles the height.

My font size declared in the body tag:

font: normal 100.1%/1.5em

Obviously Opera got it wrong again somewhere with em and pixel calculation. Is this another new bug or something so old that never got fixed ?

Have no thread/post to look at for debugging. What page(s) (links) present the problem?

And here is another Opera problem I stumbled few days ago when I was doing Opera bug hunting:
The page uses  Prototype Glider script:

In Opera, you will see clicking the snapshot on the left changes nothing.
Turn out I goofed, I forgot to load the script in the page (time wasted: over 24 hours):
<script type="text/javascript">
var my_glider = new Glider('glider', {duration:0.5, frequency: 4});

But the fact that page still works (except without glider effect) in all other browsers make me think this is just another bug of Opera.

Confirming that. Opera before 9.50 beta supported effects like that, without scripting. No go in later Opera versions.
Example: <http://www.gunlaug.no/tos/moa_25e.html>

Here is the working page with glider script loaded.

if you go to homepage of the site, you will see another Opera opacity bug.

I see problems in that page, but even after side-by-side comparison with Fx3.0.1 I can't see opacity problems. Care to explain? You can mail me off-list if it becomes long-ish.


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