> http://www.accessifyforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=3775

The flash method (detect presence of software that hooks into MSAA) may
be of some help if you write a small swf that then pings Google
Analytics or similar. But worth noting this recent article

More fundamentally though, the stats - if you manage to collect them -
could be interpreted either way:

- we are getting an insignificant number of screenreader users, so it's
not worth bothering with accessibility (which also holds the additional
misconception that accessibility is just about the extreme case of blind
users with screenreaders, rather than the whole spectrum of different
users, needs, assistive technologies, etc)


- we are getting such an insignificant number of screenreader users
BECAUSE our site is so awful in terms of accessibility, so we really
need to improve it.

As for checking which users have trouble with certain pages, no stats
package will help I think. Best you can do is make a very prominent
help/contact link on all your pages and allow for users to send feedback


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