On Fri, 21 Nov 2008 07:36:52 +0200, Rimantas Liubertas wrote:
>> I made the same decision. I still follow HTML and XHTML, but anything I do 
>> (and have
>> a choice about) is always HTML 4.01 Strict. I think it makes more sense than 
>> 1.0 Strict at this point since we can't really use "real" XHTML yet. It 
>> seems to
>> defeat the purpose if you are using a Strict DTD incorrectly.
> Same here and looking forward to start using HTML5, at least for the personal 
> projects
> first.
> Regards,
> Rimantas

FWIW - You can use the HTML 5 DOCTYPE today. Browsers only use the DOCTYPE
for standards / quirks mode switching, and all browsers switch to strict
with this, I believe:

 <!DOCTYPE html>

The validator still needs a DTD though.


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