Hey Paul,

1. almost all browsers left-indent the legend element to some degree. They
use different amounts, with IE being slightly different to most other

2. This may have been mentioned in the thread before but FireFox will not
allow the legend element to be positioned at all. However, you can place a
span inside the legend and move this.

3. You can use relative positioning or negative margins to move the legend
to the left. If the positioning or negative margin is applied to the span
within the legend it will work across all browsers.

4. Then the only remaining issue is that IE is still slightly different to
other browsers.

So, you can use a conditional comment, serve IE a new style sheet, and
adjust the amount of relative position or negative margin - and this will
only affect IE - no other browser.

Why use a conditional comment linking to a new style sheet just for ie?

- it means you do not have to do any form of hack, you are simply rewriting
a rule
- if the browser becomes obsolete in the future you can simply remove the
conditional comment and style sheet - no need to hunt back through all of
your CSS to find work-arounds.

Like anything, everyone has their own opinion and their own solutions - this
is just one possibility :)


on 28/11/08 12:30 AM, Paul Collins at wrote:

> Hi all,
> Just to elaborate on this one, has anyone ever found a way to remove the left
> indent on the legend element in IE? I don't care if I have to add a SPAN
> inside the LEGEND element, I just want to make sure the text will be left
> aligned correctly in all browsers.
> Please send a link if you know a good one!
> Cheers

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