On Wed, 14 Jan 2009 14:51:52, Chris Dimmock wrote:

Actually, using the 'title' attribute in a link does NOT add a little
bit of SEO. Title element ('Page Title') - yes for SEO - but title
attribute - no.

Try it yourself. Put a few words in a title attribute - words which
don't otherwise appear on your page. The once Google has re-indexed
the page, (look at the date in the Google cache); then search your
sitein Google for the words you included in the title attribute.


Google won't find them, because it doesn't index them; just like
Google doesn't index the content of e.g. meta name ="keywords" field.

title attributes do help SEO and google does find them, but... if the word appears only once in the page (and especially not in the main text), it is quite logical that that page will not come up first on search results.

As far as I know, google looks at the whole page and tries to understand the theme of the page. This is done by looking at the content and finding what the theme is according to everything on the page and how each element is related to that theme. Google gives more importance to keywords that appear in the page title and top headings but it also looks at the rest of the page including images alt text, title attributes, link naming, links, etc...

Also google does index the keywords and description metatags -- but because they have been abused by black hat SEO, google does not give them as much importance in its algorithm anymore.



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