tee wrote:

Thanks Rob, and David.

If the label and the checkbox or select have matching 'for' and 'id' attributes they should be getting focus when clicked. As far as the value label:hover goes I tend not to make labels change colour on hover as they may be misinterpreted as links. If you want people to know that they can click on the label text use 'cursor: pointer;'.

It communicates that something can be clicked, and if it doesn't change colour it should communicate that it won't take you away from the current page.

Good point! I didn't give it a good thought about hover suggets that it's a link.


No worries. It's always tempting and I sometimes use :hover on the inputs themselves but it's part of the whole "don't make me think" way of doing things. If you think something may cause a website visitor to pause and think "what was that about?" then you need to pull the styling back a bit.


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